Yepps, Sunday, lovely bloody sunday, hungover, standard.
But I dunno maybe the drinks in Malta are all made by homebrewed black magic alcohol because considering the amount I drank yesterday I should be close to dead at least not fresh enough to type a blog.
Saturday afternoon started with a 50 euro one rebuy out on Dragonara, it kicks of 15;00 so plenty of time ….to get tipsy early.I wanted a back to back but didn’t succeed, money to 3 (we were only 16 starting) and I busted as nr 4.
Straight home and out with TT for a walk, quick shower and swooping cloths and jada jada things yea.
Meting up with the girls, about 20 ish ( yea after a while i belaive it was 20 actually, poker girls lol) of them, they been out for dinner and have now proceed to the cocktail stadium, lovely, just in right time for my entrence.
I decide to start on top of the list and work me down, so first in was Moijito, always a winner but this one tasted sick bad, omg, so bad! So had to finish that one asap and order next one, some red slimy thing, OK but not a repeater. Number 3 was a Cosmo, also a possible repeater but I figure I can’t put the repeat mode on this early in the list, that’s not fair to the other drinks that wanna be tested, Number 7 on the list wooooooooooow, have no clue what it was but heeeeyy it was good.. I repeated that one a few times. I still think they don’t put enough alcohol in, they think we don’t get that or?
Anyway, too early to go out, so we go home to someone’s apartment nearby to do our own drink list. Kind of.
This was THE most great apartment I ever been to in Malta or for that matter anywhere in the world. The person building it can no way been Maltese, no offense but they can’t plan an apartment this good, no way! i want it!
We party like rock stars here for a while and ops time is like 02. Or something i dont know. Okedoki, out to the Ibiza wanna be area, you know where. Else go for the smell, puke and piss. Really, thats how it smell. One gotta be wasted to stand it
It was ok, we got lazy so we stuck to one drink, but instead repeated it a lot,(the glasses are small here right, cos else i dont get it?)Very nice and easy when they set up tab, and I actually think the drinks are very cheap here, or maybe he just didn’t put them all up, cos no way I can drink this much and put several other chicks drinks on my tab as well in Sweden for that SUM! Ridiculous low after all.
But I think he might not put all up, he slide me his phone number on a note before we left and creepy tickled my hand with his finger, huuuuuaaaa.. dohhh.....Keep it baby, you where adorable cute and good on drinks but thanks, NO thanks.
Me and Em move on just the two of us, we need to dance, and so we did, we dance Salsa so my feet and hips are aching, why does it always feel like one been doing a marathon, and WHO gave me all thee bruzzes I simply don’t get it?
And who was the guy taking photos all the time of me and Em?? Sicko pervert, why take like 20 photos of people you don’t KNOW? Why? Don’t make sense, is he going to go home, cos he prop was here on vacation and say hey, I met these two girls, we hang with them all week? Morons.
Baaaaaaack to the bars, and here it’s time for the classic: itslateamlittletiredspeedmeup’ friend , yepps you guessed it, vodka redbull, still think they give you too little of the vodka and too much of the red bull, I said I want a double, he said then you need a bigger glass, AND?
Omg, just give me that then. What’s the problem?
Well, we wobbled, yea on high heels with a foot that just been fractured in 3 different directions and been relesead from foot jail and still hurt even though I ignore that and a drunken sweet Em on my armm i belaive in all fairness its called wobble, even on our most good concentrated moments it cant be any more graceful then that.
I manage to throw me in the backseat of a taxi and in a miracolous way say Manwel Demech between the hiccups BUT hey,, the old sweet man said:
-Si si Madam (he can say madam its okeeeeeeey) I know, A Green door Madam, up in hill, me know. He was indeed very sweet, he helped me, my keys for some reason where just not very cooperative.
Finally home and its bloody light outside and the bloody curtains didn’t help much so I do the only reasonable thing one can do drunk 06 in the morning, yeaaa we all know it, all been there, one say, ahhhh just a few minutes of poker!
Mega lolaments.
WHY does one never learn, I have to close one eye to even hit the buttons, jeeeeeeeeessus so stupid that is. I yell at my players doing such idiotic stuff but then do them myself , bhaaaaaa!
It takes 5 minutes, both my home phone and mobile rings. One of my Danish VIP’ players calling, he didn’t even say hi he just said: Panna log off, NOW.
Hahhahahahahahah….how sweet and in the home line it’s another one asking if am drunk or just retarded lol.
I answered him that at this stage am probably both.
PARTY like a rockstar out there my little darlings and i rail you on FT!
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